Relieving Souls Foundation



1.      To Emphasize On livelihood development and Improved Family Livelihoods. To

  organise entrepreneurship development training programs in the panchayats,

  village development communities for poor literate – illiterate unemployed

  youths. To recognize the importance of socio-economic development by

  providing computer education & training to the mass, mainly focused on Youth

  and ensuring active participation of local community & effective




2.     To Provide Free education, education support, mainstreaming of the dropout

  children, meals, clothes, medicines and other needy things to the poor and

  needy children, un helped widows and other needy sections along with

  providing affordable health service through own service centers for their

  survival and to arrange entertainment programs for the inmates who have been

  given shelters by the trust and to arrange for their orientation and training so

  that their inherent capacities and qualities are fastened and enhanced.



3.     To accept donations, grants, presents, gifts and other offerings (in the shape of

  moveable or immoveable properties) and the same shall be utilized for the

  promotion of aims & objects of the above Trust



4.     To promote technical education training.



5.     To Work For The promotion of education in technical domain and bridge the

  gap between industry and college / school level.



6.     To provide Industrial visits to college students for better understanding of

       industrial practices’



7.      To provide assistance, education, material, books, aids – financial or non

   -financial for control of population in the rural, urban, semi-urban and other

    areas for all without any discrimination of race religion, caste, color, sex and

    languages per Government planning for Population control.



8.      To Facilitate creative approaches to learning and teachings though technical

   workshops faculty and teacher’s development programs, seminars, events, etc.



9.       To provide value based educational programs for children and students from

    poor family background from both urban and rural areas.



    10.    To conduct various diplomas, computer and technical courses that will bring

            value to children’s so that they can become independent and start their   

            Professional careers.



    11. To reduce the incidence of poverty through income generation activities which  

            lead to increase in income and also enabling the poor to build assets and

            thereby reduce their vulnerability.



    12.   To provide financial and medical assistance for treatments and surgeries, such as

            open heart surgery, cancer treatment, eye surgery, AIDS, etc.



    13.   To use paper bags and clothing bags, instead of plastic bags.



    14.   To stop plastic bags in india.



15.  To run campaign and programs to motivate people to use paper bags and clothes

        bags instead of polybags.



16.   To make best efforts for promotion, development and protection of the

        beneficiaries/ target population and help them in distress.



17.   To improving air quality through the reduction of indoor/outdoor air




18.   To improving water quality, both in freshwater and in oceans.



19.   To reducing short lived climate pollutants for climate change mitigation.



20.   To promoting environmental sustainability through cleaner production and

        pollution prevention.



21.    To conduct training and research programs. for pollution control (in water, air,

        soil, earth, atmosphere) and polluted diseases and to maintain/develop and also

        protect the herbs, forests, environment, species of animals, birds, wild life and

        natural gills helping to so support the preservation of environment.



22.   To make a pollution free earth.



23.   To creates environmental awareness among the people.



24.   To organize program for school, college with the purpose of plantation the trees



25.    To make best efforts for Making world greenery:



26.   To Conduct nature awareness campaigns and organize motivating




27.   To Provide and To Render food, medicine and other help and/ or assistance in

        any shape or form to the poor deserving and needy persons.



28.   To provide accommodation, food, cloths, free education to orphans without

        parents, helpless boys and girls of depressed.



29.    To provide shelter, food, cloths and medical assistance for the aged people,

          unwed mothers and baby subject to case to case basis.



30.    To promote Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation for attaining peace in life.



31.    To promote traditional therapies like Yoga, Naturopathy, Meditation,

        Ayurveda, etc.



32.    To establish, build or manage Hostels, Short Stay Homes, Rehabilitation

         Centers, Shelters, Creches, Child Care Centre or Children’s Home, Councelling

         Centers and Help Line Centers for Women, Children, Old aged persons, Drug

         Addicts and needy persons.



33.    To determine principles, policies and strategies related to water management

         during flood or in the drought Period.



34.    To prepare drought management plans on the basis of river basins or have

         them prepared and follow up the implementation thereof.



35.    To make studies or have studies made, with the aim of determining the effects of

          climate change and the changes in the precipitation catchment basin and

         usage of those on floods and droughts.



36.    To determine the historical floods and droughts and make studies related to

          inferences from the past experiences to use at the present time.



37.    To help relocate and find housing for our soldiers in need.



38.    To construct and manage Transit Homes and Old Age homes for Ex-




39.    To develop and provide hostel facilities for children and orphans of ex

          Servicemen , widows and serving soldiers.



40.    To Provide financial assistance to wards of ex-servicemen who are

         destitute/disabled/handicapped on case to case basis.



41.    To help and support to war widows and her family.



42.    To provide cash and kind support for setup their business for their livelihood.



43.    To construct, reconstruction and building sacred worshiping temple, mosque &

          church for religious enlightenment.



44.     To architectural reconstruction of old sacred and worship places and their

         maintenance services.



45.     To establish and run medical centre and charitable hospital for providing

          maximum medical assistance to needy and poor.



46.       To Stop Child Labour.



47.      To work with special concentration for Women Welfare, to protest against Dowry

           systems and help widows for their remarriage.



48.      To encourage people blood and eyes donation for needy people.



49.      To provide employment to unemployed laborer’s.



50.     To Women development, public awareness and human rights awareness




51.     To develop, design, setup technical infrastructures where students can exhibit

         their skills and becorne industry competent.



52.    To identify with and work along the economically and socially deprived, the

         physically and rnentally challenged children so that they become educated,

         skilled and aware.



53.    To help the poor & needy meritorious student in way of stipend for

         purchasing books.



54.    To act as a research Centre in technological areas and act as a bridge for

         cooperation among other industries.



55.    To establish community halls, orphanage for women, health care center,

         dancing center, toilets, stadium, anganwadi, studio and homeless shelters and

         held programmes regarding social activities and managing various social




56.   To conduct educational exchanges with recognized educational institutional

        whether indigenous or alien institutional.




57.   To provide meaningful contribution to society towards various educational

       programs like seminars, technical workshops, webinars etc.



58.   To communicate and coordinate with the Govt. Local and public authorities

        on various issues related to development welfare and public interest on

       different subjects.



59.    To construct, maintain, alter, improve or develop any building belonging to

         the Society or works necessary or convenient for purpose of the Society.



60.    To arrange / establish and maintain centers of adult education, vocational

         education technical training and low cost education, formal & non-formal




61.    To work for treatment of leprosy patients and provide free medicines.



62.   To work for soil testing & make it better for plantation. Healthy soil is the basis

        of healthy plants and a healthy environment. When garden soil is in good

        shape there is less need for fertilizers or pesticides.



63.   To save the environment from ferrous &nonferrous metals, we can re-cycle

        these which helps in making new products.